Looking around, we will find that almost everyone is busy playing the PUBG Mobile game. Well, PUBG Mobile doesn’t need any introduction because everyone probably knows about it, but still, a few users haven’t yet played the game. So, for those who don’t know, PUBG Mobile is an ultimate battle royale game in which you will be dropped with 99 other players on an open island. The gameplay is pretty simple, but it was addictive. The player’s ultimate goal is to survive until the end while killing others. We have shared many articles on PUBG Mobile, like best tips & tricks, loot locations, things to avoid, etc. Today, we are back again with another piece in which we will be discussing the dumbest mistakes players make in PUBG.

Here Are The 8 Dumbest Mistakes Players Make in PUBG Mobile

Let’s admit that sometimes we take specific actions in the game that get us killed and later regret it. So, here we will discuss some of the dumbest mistakes players make while playing PUBG Mobile. Please read the article until the end and avoid these mistakes.

1) Forget To Check The Firing Mode

Currently, PUBG Mobile offers three firing modes on several weapons – Burst, Single, and Auto. Let’s admit that we usually forget to check the firing mode before rushing toward the enemy. PUBG Players usually leave the firing mode on ‘Single’ after sniping and end up dead in front of enemies. So, if this happens to you, please check the firing mode before rushing toward the enemies.

2) Having the Same Weapons

PUBG Mobile allows users to carry two guns and one pistol. Having two UMP9 or AKM doesn’t make any sense. Still, many users prefer to have two of the same guns, but in my opinion, it’s one of the dumbest choices. For example, if you have two AKMs, both guns will have the same recoil, ammo, reloading time, etc. So, it’s always better to avoid identical armoring.

3) Looking for the best weapons after landing

Soon after landing, most of us look for the best weapons, such as AKM, DP-28, M416, etc., which are difficult to find. In doing so, we leave Shotguns, Pistols, etc., and enemies pick that and kill us with what we went. So, be smart and always pick up anything in front of you after landing.

4) Getting Into Unwanted Fights

Let’s admit, most of our teammates on PUBG Mobile were willing to die for that extra ‘Kill’. Getting into unwanted fights, like if your 2 teammates died and there’s a squad far ahead, and you have a sniper, getting into the war will eventually end the game. So, what’s wise is to hold on and shoot only if necessary.

5) Compromising existing weapons for airdrops

Airdrops usually give us AUG or M249 (Machine GUN). I have played with many players who replace M416 with AUG or M249 just because it’s on the airdrop. However, M416 is far more tactical and powerful than AUG and M249. So, while looting any Airdrop, wait and think whether the gun you are about to pick is capable or not.

6) Rushing Towards the Enemy Flare Drops

Rushing toward the enemy flare drops is another dumbest mistake players make in PUBG Mobile. Not just the defensive enemy squads, but the incoming squads towards the air drops will only make the situation worse for you. It’s worth noting that the Enemy team is also there to play the game,, ad will not easily let you loot their airdrops.

7) Not using the Boosters

We usually collect many Painkillers, Energy Drinks, and Adrenaline syringes throughout the game, but we consistently fail to utilize them. We always save those for ‘Later’. But guess what? That ‘Later’ becomes ‘Never’ shortly. Since prevention is better than cure, use those boosters whenever possible.

8) Over Confidence

Underestimating the enemy team is one of the dumbest things on PUBG Mobile. Most of the time, it was the overconfidence that got us killed. Things like unwanted rushing, not Picking up second-tier guns, and trying to land on locations like Pochinki, School, Georgopol, etc. are the signs of overconfidence. So, make sure not to become overconfident while playing PUBG Mobile. So, these are some of the dumbest mistakes players make in PUBG Mobile. Bookmark this webpage, as we will be adding more points shortly. So, what’s your opinion on this? Let us know in the comment box below.

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